
Just in time for Freaky Friday and Valentine’s day (I love that these days are back to back this year), my favorite Tim Burton creation, the Witch hazel (Hamamelis x intermedia ‘Diane’) has just begun unscrunching little paper heart shaped flowers.  I’m in love!  — I guess it doesn’t take much, especially this time of year.

Hamamelis x intermedia 'Diane' - see the hearts?

And in honor of Garden Bloggers Bloom Day even though it’s still days away, here are a few other bloomers from the greenhouse.  Please accept them as a special Valentine from all of us at Blithewold.  As (almost) always, hover over over for captions and click on for a dramatic display.

Nopalxochia ackermanii - no winter bloom day post is complete with one of theseEchevaria x hybrida 'The Rose' (Dasylirion in the background) Cimbidium orchid - it's been blooming for at least a month alreadyCamellia chandlerei - a perfect old fashioned Valentine

Happy Valentine’s Day, everyone!   (be mine?)

and have a wonderful extra long weekend full of hearts and flowers

Loropetalum 'Razzleberri' - a member of the Witch hazel familiy (Hamamelidaceae) zone 8