Music in the Living Room: Silver Bells
Music in the Living Room:
Silver Bells
Sunday, December 8
3 – 4 PM
Enhance your visit to Blithewold and enjoy the holiday decorations in the Mansion by attending our Music in the Living Room Series! Blithewold extends a sincere thanks to these generous performers who bring the gift of music into our Living Room during this Holiday Season.
More about the musicians: Silver Bells, who are combined members of Take 4 quartet and Six in the City, will perform holiday music at 3 PM at the Blithewold. The all women’s group performs four-part a cappella music in the barbershop style. They also perform as members of the Harmony Heritage Chorus, based in Pawtucket, RI.
Concerts are included with regular admission.
Pre-register to reserve seats for an additional $2 fee per seat.
Once all reserved seating is sold, the concert is sold out.