Mid-September monarchs (and bloom day!)


Monarch on Verbena bonariensisAt the end of August I swivelled around the garden trying madly to take pictures of all the dozens of hummingbirds. Two weeks later it’s the monarchs distracting me from my work. They’re like a pure fall color concentrate or tiny drunk polka-dot fairies – completely captivating either way. (speaking of fairies – something tells me they’re going to be busy this weekend…)

So in honor of Garden Blogger’s Bloom Day (a day early to the party) here’s what’s blooming with a particular focus (and soft focus) on what the monarchs like.

Monarch on Caryopteris x clandonensis ‘Grande bleu’Monarch on Caryopteris x clandonensis ‘Grande bleu’ #2Monarch on Caryopteris x clandonensis ‘Grande bleu’ #3Monarch on Solidago (Golden Rod)Monarchs on Helianthus ‘Lemon Queen’

When I could drag myself away from the butterflies, I found Autumn crocus (Colchicum) at the Bosquet entrance, Autumn crocus (Colchicum)

Begonia grandis in the Rock Garden, Begonia grandis

Seven-son flower (Heptacodium miconioides) near the wedding tent,

Seven-son flower (Heptacodium miconioides)Heptacodium miconioides detail

and on the Cutting Garden fence, Clematis ‘Roguchi’ is still blooming – I think it should get the “employee of the year” award for being super productive (it will take a vacation finally come winter), efficient (the plant blooms away without growing out of bounds), and for having a terrific attention to detail (just look at that beautiful blue!).Clematis ‘Roguchi’ 9-14-07

(hover over pictures for names/titles and click on for larger images)