Week Six, Day Five: Outer Space Day
The campers had a blast today in outer space! We started the day by making planets. Then took a quick break outside before the thunderstorm started. While inside, we played glow freeze dance and made rocket ships. The campers listened to outer space-themed music and had glow sticks to dance with. For the rocket ships, the campers used recycled materials and other craft supplies from the camp room. As they finished their rocket ships, the campers started their tye dye projects in the backyard. They picked awesome color combinations! The ground was still wet outside for lunch, so the campers ate inside. Then we all went outside to hang out and play tree tag. When the campers came back, the CITs had a special minute to win it activity planned for them. The campers played CIT ring toss, alphabet relay, and even wrapped up one of the counselors in cling wrap. Then we handed out the camp awards and got ready to go home. We can’t believe the last week of camp starts Monday! Check out the photos from today!