Week Four, Day Three: Playing in the Rain
We took water games to the extreme by playing in the rain! First, we started the day by making some get-well-soon cards for one of our counselors, who was out sick the past two days. Then we went outside to have a snack. Ms. Joanne set up to have the kids paint a watercolor picture of the frog pond. The rain started, so it was time for some time inside. The campers were able to make their own board games. They worked in teams and came up with some awesome ideas! Then, it was time for lunch. The campers were begging to play water games, so all decided to play in the rain. The campers played with bubbles and had buckets of water dumped on them. We ended the day inside by reading Jumanji and having campfire. Tomorrow, we will be going over to the vegetable garden. Here are the pictures of today!