Week Five, Day Four: Marking the Veggie Garden
Thursday, August 8, 2024 | |
A wonderful Thursday! We started the day by making paper bag birds. Then, we went outside to the veggie garden to see Ms. Becca. Today, she let us plant cantaloupe and watermelon. The campers can come back in a few weeks to check on the progress of their plants. She also picked a pumpkin, zucchini, tomatoes, and lettuce. Then, the campers wanted to continue working on their fairy houses, so we went there after the garden. After, we went back and made the flags for capture the flag. We ate lunch, and then it was time to go to the field. They played lots of rounds this time, and they had great sportsmanship. We ended the day with campfire and a story. Tomorrow is safari day! These are the pictures from today!