A little action on climate change (and bloom day)
It’s a big day in the blogosphere. Not only is the fifteenth of every month Garden Bloggers Bloom Day but the fifteenth of October also happens to be Blog Action Day. Thousands of bloggers around the world are chiming in about climate change and by all accounts it’s a huge success (even though my post isn’t published yet) – which must mean we’re on our way to reversing the global warming trend.
My favorite bumpersticker (from a local wholesale nursery who prefer to remain incognito) says it all. “Increase Your Oxygen Footprint – Plant the Cosmos!!” Gardeners certainly don’t need to be told twice to plant plants. Check out this fascinating post over at Garden Rant for part one of the nitty-gritty science on your garden’s carbon footprint. All I’ll say (and I could say a lot but hope to spare you a sermon) is that I like to remember that it’s the small everyday decisions that bring change – and haven’t we already learned that the hard way. I know gardeners will keep planting. Keep composting. Keep buying locally (-and that includes patronizing your local nurseries who in turn patronize the local growers. We know that box store prices are much costlier than they appear). And think of all of the ways we can make our garden be more sustainable: We can plant native species – or simply the right plant in the right spot; replace lawns with garden beds; make compost; choose organic fertilizers – or our own compost tea; capture rain in barrels and cisterns; just say No to pesticides… What have I missed? – Please add to the list! All of the little decisions we make add up, you’d better believe it. Amen.
Now please open your hymnals to page 10-15-09 (where we haven’t had frost yet but we have managed to meet our mostly-moved-into-the-greenhouse-by-October-15th deadline!). As always, thanks go to Carol from May Dreams Gardens for hosting bloom day.
Mouse over for captions and click on for a larger view.