An Open Letter to Spring

Dear Spring,
We have all been anxiously awaiting your arrival. We have so enjoyed your short visits – but they have been pleasant teasers, not the same as a proper long stay. We have prepared for your grand entrance by sprucing up the gardens and grounds after a rather long stay from Old Man Winter. Your coming will be a delightful relief! We know you will have your predictable mood swings with hot and chilly temperatures as well as your dramatics with downpours and your occasional theatrically windy days. We will also tolerate your pesky pollen (do we have a choice?). Other signs you bring give us sheer joy, like the brightening warm sunshine, along with the sweet melodies of song birds that have been signaling us that your arrival is not far off.
Of course, we’ll be sure you’re home when the flowers start to bloom in abundance. The daffodil clan will be the first to greet everyone, always the most cheerful and faithful of friends. They are the most numerous to bloom here at Blithewold and always the life of the party. It’s hard not to be happy when you see them all together. Their garden friends will join in ̶ the trout lilies, primroses, May apples, flowering cherries and magnolias will follow along to keep the party going.
Dear Spring, we can’t wait until you’re here!

Snowdrops ( Galanthus nivalis) and Narcissus ‘Little Gem’
Spring and the daffodil blooms will be beautiful when we open on April 13!