Autumn Splendor
Even though it’s deliciously chilly, and even though the light has slanted dramatically southward, I’m still unwilling to call it fall. We’ve got another whole week before the autumnal equinox and the official start of autumn, so I insist on calling it (late) summer at least until then. The gardens will back me up I think. They are still in full swing and every day continues to be Bloom Day here. For Garden Bloggers Bloom Day (hosted by Carol at May Dreams Gardens) it might almost be easier to list what’s not in bloom –
but of course I’m not about to do that. Much better to show you some of my current favorites and a few of the reasons why Blithewold is hosting Autumn Splendor, which runs from now through October 3rd and celebrates the floriferous pre-frost exuberance of the gardens. Click here for information about afternoon teas, lectures, exhibits and demonstrations – such as flower arranging on the north porch the next two Wednesdays at 11AM. If you’ve only been to Blithewold for Daffodil Days, it’s high time to come back.
Is your garden still in full swing? What’s blooming?