Thoughtful musings on various topics by interesting people at Blithewold

Horticultural Interns 2019

One of the best ways to learn is by experience.   This summer Betsy, Joe and I are fortunate to have two horticulture interns join us in the gardens along with our hardy garden volunteers.  Blithewold’s … Read more.

Sun’s out Blooms out

This is the first week that truly felt like spring is here and summer is just around the corner. The sun is out and the sky is blue and the plants (and gardeners) can now … Read more.

May Marvel

It is becoming very difficult to keep up with all that is happening in nature as we move through May. A month ago it was easy to keep tabs on what was leafing out, blooming, … Read more.

Sink into Spring

A delightful consequence of the constant rainy weather is the lushness of growth this spring. If ever there was a time to take a spring walk in a garden it is now — we all … Read more.

Supporting Actors

We often think of early spring as daffodils and mid spring as tulips. They steal the show and we love them for so many reasons – they come in a stunning variety of shapes and … Read more.

Flowers in Phases

The rains have arrived in New England, and the plant world uses them as fuel to power the inevitable greening of every nook and cranny of nature. Perennials take their shape and gain strength with … Read more.

Red Cross Dividends

By Marjorie Lyon April 23, 1952 Dividends are hard to explain. Sometimes you earn them and sometimes they are just thrust upon you. It seems to me that the dividends that come from Red Cross … Read more.

Tulip Time

With all the incessant rain lately, I’ve been badly in need of some cheerful color. The tulips heard my call. Last fall we planted thousands of bulbs across the property and the season of bloom … Read more.

Along the Garden Path

The transformation from winter to spring has finally arrived at Blithewold. The entire landscape is coming more alive each day with perennials emerging, tree buds unfurling and spring flowers starting to bloom.  It’s a delight … Read more.


Daffodil season is here! Gail and I have been debating daily when the precise peak will be; but, no matter who turns out to be right, you can know for sure that more and more … Read more.