Thoughtful musings on various topics by interesting people at Blithewold

Winter Rest(oration)

I have often heard my friends say that it’s too bad trees are dead in the winter time. The gardens can give off a similarly lifeless appearance as the plants lie low during this darker … Read more.

A New Painting by Marjorie

Blithewold has in its collection more than 500 paintings by Marjorie Van Wickle Lyon. Some are exhibited in the Mansion; many more are stored safely in the Archives and Collections facility on the third floor. … Read more.

Happy Holidays

Though it’s warm, wet, and windy outside today, we are dreaming of a cozy holiday season here in the Blithewold greenhouses. We hope you find time to rest amidst the mayhem and find beauty in … Read more.

Pine Alley

Crisp December air coming down from the endless clear sky surrounds me as I step out of the Bosquet and onto the shrub walk. The wind grows stronger as I approach the blazing blue water. … Read more.

Holiday Hothouse

It’s that time of year for many happy celebrations. I love the lights and the general sense of love and joy that is present during the holidays. I also love our greenhouses. They are so … Read more.

Excellent Evergreens in the Enclosed Garden

Walking along the garden path in early December, I notice most of the world has fallen asleep. The last leaves have gone past and are ready to drop, the air gives a slight burning sensation … Read more.

Along the Garden Path

The Season of Evergreens After this rainy November, the second wettest on record, I am appreciating features on my walk that I’ve taken for granted throughout the year. I’m certainly thankful for the gravel paths … Read more.

Flowers, Berries, Seeds, oh my!

Sometimes I let November get me down. It’s cold. It’s dark. The wind makes my ears hurt. All the glorious colors of the growing season have gone by–or have they? All it takes is a walk … Read more.

Lotus Appreciation

It’s the time of year for cutting back the gardens, hunkering down indoors, and contemplating all we are so thankful for this season. Lately, I’ve been thinking a lot about lotus (Nelumbo nucifera) . This was … Read more.

Along the Garden Path

Fruit of the Fall Walking down the garden path this week is staff horticulturist, Joe Verstandig. When fall finally arrives, it is simply impossible not to notice the brilliant colors that sweep through the trees. … Read more.