Thoughtful musings on various topics by interesting people at Blithewold

Along the Garden Path

Heat Lovers and Container Plants It is official, August 2018 was the hottest August on record. As I walk along viewing the gardens I’m impressed that there are plants that appreciate the high heat and … Read more.

Unstoppable Summer Blooms

It’s been yet another hot week here in Rhode Island! I tend to prefer the heat to the cold but this is really testing my limits. Luckily, the flowers don’t seem to mind (although they … Read more.

Along the Garden Path

Murmurations and Other Hints of Late Summer This last week of August is still very much summer, but there are hints of the seasonal shift.  There are the obvious changes in the light noticeable in … Read more.

Seeds of Inspiration

This week I have the pleasure to introduce to you Julia Callahan, our summer intern. This is her last week here at Blithewold and she has been wonderful to work with all summer.  My name … Read more.

The Bug Days of Summer

I often think of August as vacation month. The traffic on the roads slows down, friends and family spend time at the beach, and school-age children relish the end of their free days. In the … Read more.

Along the Garden Path

A Feast for Bees and a Seaside View This week I could not help but notice the prolific blooms on the Japanese Pagoda tree (Styphnolobium japonicum) framing the Rose Garden moongate. It’s an impressive display: … Read more.

Color Theory Part II – North Garden

Last week I wrote about color theory and our color choices for the Rose Garden. Today I want to highlight the more formal North Garden, which is looking prettier every day! There is a long … Read more.

Along the Garden Path

August Blooms, Meadow Sounds and Breezes by the Bay Why would you walk along our garden paths in this August’s heat?  Because the gardens are so full of blooms that now’s the time to check … Read more.

Along the Garden Path

Sweet Scents of August and More Baby Birds It’s the beginning of August, our North Garden is in full summer bloom and a large shrub on the southeast corner, Harlequin Glory Bower (Clerodendrum trichotcomum ), … Read more.

Color Theory

One of the very first things we decide each year is the color scheme for the gardens. We debate and plan and finally develop a concept that will work for the growing year. Color is … Read more.