Thoughtful musings on various topics by interesting people at Blithewold

Le Bosquet by Samuel Dean

Upon a gentle upland Bordering on a sunlit bay There lies a sylvan glade; Its length o’ertopped By waving branches Of lofty trees That offer cooling haven To those who seek their shade. When beams … Read more.

Along the Garden Path

Lotus, Lilies and Butterflies The Idea Garden by the greenhouses show the most seasonal shift of all Blithewold’s gardens, and their look and mood can change completely as different flowers come into bloom.  This week … Read more.

Along the Garden Path

Featured Image:  Hummingbird on Sweet Peas (Lathyrus odoratus) Hummingbirds, July Blooms, and Garden Volunteers The flower gardens have been transformed into horticultural theaters with new blooms opening daily and a high-energy natural world playing all around … Read more.

Summer Heat

Phew! It’s been a hot couple of weeks. The plants and the people have been doing their best to stay comfortable in the humidity. Often the heat spells the end to some of our favorite … Read more.

Along the Garden Path

Lusty Flowers, Birdsongs and Busy Bees July gardens are a happy mix of colorful flowers and songbirds and bees gracefully dipping in and out of the gardens. I see visitors mesmerized watching the activity of … Read more.

Along the Garden Path

The Summer Shift with Swallows, Delphiniums and Annuals July’s heat and high sun heralds another transition in all the gardens. Just as May and June had their own style, July brings on its own set … Read more.

The Missing Portrait

In 1912 the French portrait painter Henry Caro-Delvaille sailed from Cherbourg to New York on the S.S. France. Among his fellow passengers was Walter Kilham, an old friend of Bessie and William McKee and the … Read more.

Sweet Pea Splendor

June is when our gardening dreams begin to come true. The Cutting Garden is currently full of sweet peas (Lathyrus) blooming on bamboo arches. This all began with Gail’s vision this past winter. I recall … Read more.

Pollinator Week

Happy National Pollinator Week! If I say the word “pollinator”, you may immediately think of honey bees. It is true that honey bees are a huge help in pollinating many plants. However, they aren’t the … Read more.

Along the Garden Path

A Jolly June with a profusion of Sweet peas, Poppies and Roses There’s an old saying “A mist in May and heat in June, brings all things into tune”.  The rains in May and the … Read more.