Thoughtful musings on various topics by interesting people at Blithewold

Daffodil Dreamland

  The daffodils have returned and they are spectacular!  It seems that every day this week I have seen a new variety emerge.  Last year, Gail did her best to take a picture of every … Read more.

Confusing Traffic Signs, May 1

CONFUSING TRAFFIC SIGNS by Marjorie Lyon February 26, 1949             As a small school girl, I was taught to read either from left to right or from top to bottom. Skipping about was not encouraged. … Read more.

Spring’s Warm Embrace

After several grey days filled with rain – or the threat of it – we have emerged on the other side to find the air smelling clean, the trees budded, and the promise of many … Read more.

Opening Exhibits, April 1

OPENING EXHIBITS, APRIL 1 by Margaret Whitehead The excitement at Blithewold is building as we prepare the Mansion for the season’s opening on April 1st. Floors have been polished, carpets cleaned; paintwork and wallpaper conservation … Read more.

Mauve Evening Dress

Marjorie Van Wickle Lyon’s Evening Dress, 1932   In the thirty years since Marjorie’s pink party dress (shown in the first exhibit case) was fabricated, styles and construction changed considerably. Trains disappeared, and punishing boned … Read more.

Pink Party Dress

Marjorie Van Wickle’s Party Dress, 1903  Marjorie Van Wickle had this party dress made in Vienna when she visited in 1903 as part of her Grand Tour. It was designed and constructed by Drecoll’s, the … Read more.

Container Mixology

What’s in your potting mix?  That’s the question of the day here at Blithewold as we re-examine the important components of a good potting soil.  Technically speaking, most bagged soils you can find at your … Read more.


BRISTOL NEWS, MARCH 1, 1897 by Margaret Whitehead One hundred and twenty years ago, on March 1, 1897, Marjorie Van Wickle was at the Jekyll Island Club in Brunswick, Georgia, with her parents Augustus and … Read more.


Winter is time for seeds (yes, it’s still winter, although recent temperatures seem to tell a different story).  We look over catalogs, order, and eventually sow these beautiful tiny cases full of life.  Watching the … Read more.

Some flowers for you

In honor of Valentine’s Day, here are some flowers blooming in the Blithewold greenhouses.  No long-stem red roses for us.  We take great joy in our unusual winter-blooming plants.  I hope they bring a smile … Read more.