Thoughtful musings on various topics by interesting people at Blithewold

Garden fireworks

Happy Fourth of July weekend!  It’s that time of the summer when we finally begin to take a step back from our full-speed-ahead mode of May and June.  Just when Gail, Sean (our intern this … Read more.

Blithewold’s Golf Club House

In 1895, when Augustus and Bessie Van Wickle purchased the 70 acre property on Ferry Road that became Blithewold, they had grand plans to make their ‘Country Place’ into an idyllic, restful retreat to share … Read more.

One Hundred Years Ago

JUNE 1916 As I write this in the middle of May we have the heating on in the offices. The Third Floor group just had lunch on the North Porch – a favorite spot to … Read more.

Ranunculus are here!

  Spring is definitely in full swing here and already hinting at summer!  It was so warm this week that the lovely spring blooms we’ve been anxiously awaiting buckled a bit with the first blast … Read more.

Springing into action

Despite the wretched weather this week, we ushered in May with a flurry of activity.  The volunteers helped us pot up 100 dahlias in preparation for planting out in the gardens next month.  They also … Read more.

A Boy’s Trip to Europe, 1869

In 1869, 16-year-old Israel Pardee left his home in Hazleton, Pennsylvania, for a one-year educational journey through Europe, accompanied by his younger sister Anne. Israel (known in the family as Izzie) was Bessie McKee’s older … Read more.

Daffodil Bliss

Daffodil Days here at Blithewold are in full swing.  The soft, sweet fragrance of the flowers wafts toward me whenever I walk near the Bosquet.  It’s positively enticing!  I could wax poetic about each daffodil … Read more.

Delightful Daffodils

This post is written by Gail Read, the Gardens Manager here at Blithewold.  She has been here at Blithewold for over 25 years and is a fountain of knowledge about the plants and the property. … Read more.

The Charmingly Resilient Daffodil

  Snow.  Freezing temperatures.  Rain.  Wind.  I think it’s safe to say that the weather this week has dampened the spirit of gardeners and flower enthusiasts, but hopefully not for long.  Six inches of snow … Read more.

Under Cover

It certainly feels like a New England spring to me!  We’ve had snow, rain, and 65 degree weather all within several days.  It’s always interesting when I hear people wondering if their spring bulbs will … Read more.