Thoughtful musings on various topics by interesting people at Blithewold

Taking off

I freely admit that when we moved the Pollinator Garden this spring to its new location at the top of the meadow west of the vegetable garden I didn’t have high hopes for it to … Read more.

Lily days

Lily has to be one of the most overused descriptors in horticulture. Go figure, given how aptly it defines so many flowers: the word itself has a trumpeting flare and and if I use my imagination, a sweet fragrance too… … Read more.

North Garden inventory

I’m asked often enough to name my favorite plant and season that it’s a little strange that hardly anyone* ever asks which is my favorite garden. Not that I could possibly pick a favorite (the pollinator garden). But since I … Read more.

Rose Garden inventory

Thank goodness for rainy days. Without them, we stay outside and never get around to tidying the potting shed, defrosting the fridge, or keeping up with the paperwork. (Not to mention how happy the gardens are after a … Read more.

Prune it up

I am really excited to introduce my fellow horticulturist, Betsy Ekholm to the blogosphere. Betsy started working with Gail and me in 2013 as our gardens intern and we couldn’t let her go. Had to … Read more.

Transition into summer

The to-plant list is getting shorter and we are beginning to transition into a summer-full of deadheading/staking/weeding/enjoying. Right on schedule too: we always aim to be *done by July 4th. (*No garden is ever done.) This week … Read more.

The longest days

June is full to bursting. Every plant that isn’t already blooming to beat the band is growing gangbusters (weeds included), and to say there’s a lot to do would be the understatement of the season.The long days leading up … Read more.

Plant by plant

Gardening is purported to be one of the best stress relievers — and it is! — but the weeks we spend planting the Blithewold gardens always make me feel a little panicky; my blood pressure rises … Read more.

June Exhibit in the Billiard Room

This month the changing exhibit in Blithewold’s Billiard Room focuses on silver commemorative spoons. Bessie and Marjorie both purchased silver spoons on their travels around the United States and Europe, resulting in an impressive collection … Read more.

Blithewald by the Sea

Blithewald – a gracious 45-room mansion by the sea, surrounded by extensive tree plantings and formal gardens, including a sunken European-style garden with a marble shell fountain. Does this description sound familiar?  The slight difference … Read more.