Thoughtful musings on various topics by interesting people at Blithewold

Week Six, Day Five: Outer Space Day

The campers had a blast today in outer space! We started the day by making planets. Then took a quick break outside before the thunderstorm started. While inside, we played glow freeze dance and made … Read more.

Week Six, Day Four: Frog Finders

Today started with the campers making kind cards for people in nursing homes as their morning craft. It was a part of the CITs community service project. Then we got ready to go outside to … Read more.

Week Six, Day Three: Celebration Day

A camp birthday! We had a lovely celebration for one of the campers today. We started the day by making caterpillars and relaxing inside. Then we ate snacks in the backyard before going to the … Read more.

Week Six, Day Two: Making Blithewold Our Own

The rain today did not stop us. First, we made rainbows for our morning crafts. Then we got ready to be outside to do our art project with Ms. Joanne. While we waited we played … Read more.

Week Six, Day One: Living the Dream

A cooler day! We started our Monday with our routine of introductions and going over rules. Then we went outside to play in the Rose Garden. The campers have been coming up with their own … Read more.

Week Five, Day Five: Western Day

What a wild day in the West! We started the morning by making handprint horses. Then we went to see Julia and Ollie in the Vegetable Garden. The campers tried so many fresh veggies! When … Read more.

Week Five, Day Four: Observing the Environment

A day outside! We made paper plate fish for our morning craft. Then we got ready to go outdoors for an early snack. After the snack Clean Ocean Access came to teach the campers about … Read more.

Week Five, Day Three: Game Day

Finally, good weather! We started the day making jellyfish. The campers used string to add the tentacles Then we made flags to capture the flag. We went to the Enclosed Garden to have a snack … Read more.

Week Five, Day Two: All About Animals

A genuine day of New England weather! We started the day inside doing art with Ms. Joanne. The campers drew a picture from the perspective of them looking down at the beach or the garden. … Read more.

Week Five, Day One: Planting Our Garden

Another rainy Monday! We started the day with our routine camp introductions. The campers shared their favorite summer activities. We then went to the Rose Garden for a short time for a snack and a … Read more.