Thoughtful musings on various topics by interesting people at Blithewold

Camp Sequoia 2023: Week Four Full Photo Gallery

Camp Sequoia 2023: Week Three Full Photo Gallery

Week Four, Day Five: Pirate Day

Pirate Day was a blast! We started the day by making cards for nursing homes, our community service project for August. Then the campers had fun making a pirate ship. After that, we visited Julia … Read more.

Week Four, Day Four: Game Day!

Capture the Flag Day! We started the day making paper bag monsters. Then went to the Frog Pond to have a snack and play Sardines. After that, we went to camp to make the flags … Read more.

Week Four, Day Three: Reaching for the Stars

We started the day making paper plate goats. For snack, we went to the Rose Garden, where the campers played with the parachute. We came back to camp to learn about constellations. The campers talked … Read more.

Week Four, Day Two: Tag, Tag, Tag

It was a pleasant day at Blithewold. We started the morning outside doing art with Ms. Joanne. The campers made pictures of the Mt. Hope Bridge. They made the cables of the bridge out of … Read more.

Week Four, Day One: Making the Mansion

Finally a cool day! We started with our regular Monday routine. We introduced ourselves to each other and then went out to the Rose Garden. In the Rose Garden, we had snacks and played Sharks … Read more.

New Veggie Garden Irrigation

Hi folks! I am happy to introduce to you our gardens intern Oliver Bingham! Ollie is a recent graduate in Plant Science from University of Rhode Island. It’s been great having him on our team … Read more.

Week Three, Day Five: Land of Make Believe Day

Magic was in the air! The campers we all dressed in beautiful costumes today. They discovered the special surprise that the counselors had dyed their hair! Our original plan was to go and visit the … Read more.

Week Three, Day Four: Locating the Fun

What a fun day! The campers started by making ice cream cones for their morning craft. Then they went outside for a snack, where some campers played catch with our counselors. After snack, our special … Read more.