Thoughtful musings on various topics by interesting people at Blithewold

Hold Onto Your Leaves

October’s glorious foliage gives way to November’s leaf drop. All the beautiful leaves are now dancing around our feet as we walk the paths. Crunching leaves is such a satisfying sensation. However, if you are … Read more.

fall spectacular

There’s been a flurry of bulb-planting activity here the past few weeks. Fall is like a mirror image of spring for a gardener. Everything you worked so hard to create is taken apart and put … Read more.

Along the Garden Path

Nature’s Beauties Great and Small   A walk along the garden path this time of year will have your gaze upwards instead of at garden eye level.  The peaking fall foliage of specimen trees on … Read more.

Along the Garden Path

Autumn Light, Bird Calls, Unearthing Toads Two perennial late-blooming favorites, Chrysanthemum ‘Hillside Sheffield Pink’ and Aster ageratoides ‘Ezo Murasaki’, are taking the cool weather in stride. Their flowers stand out in the sparse gardens and … Read more.

The Wait

When October turns the corner towards Halloween, I feel The Wait begin. Frost is on the horizon. Some parts of Rhode Island have had frost in the last week. Blithewold is in one of the … Read more.

Along the Garden Path

Gardener’s Optimism, a Cereus Surprise and Metasequoia Flowers What a difference a week makes! After hauling in the greenhouse plants on a warm, humid day, we now have a chill in the air and frost … Read more.

Along the Garden Path

Autumn Sights, Scents and Sounds The walk around the gardens this week has my senses going in all directions. They’re all still blooming with a colorful assortment of flowers, and their mix of colors, seed … Read more.

An end, a beginning

What a strange and fitting ending to the season this week has been. We return from a holiday to heat and humidity, which then turns sharply into a storm (the outskirts of Hurricane Michael) and … Read more.

Along the Garden Path

Magnificent Monarchs, Asters and Salvias The perennial New England asters (Symphyotrichum novae-angliae) are all in glorious full bloom in the Idea Garden. In addition to their colorful visual effect in the garden, they also add … Read more.

Think Pink (and Purple)

I had a recent small obsession with pink. You may notice it in the Rose Garden – particularly with the dahlias. I chose pale pink, hot pink and a few with lavender tones to balance … Read more.