Thoughtful musings on various topics by interesting people at Blithewold
Observing Nature
Noticing the natural world is an everyday occurrence when you spend time outdoors. As gardeners, we see the strong connection between plants and animals, we happen upon curiosities and are simply awestruck by many new … Read more.
Bring The Heat
When you think of flowering trees, you probably picture dogwoods, magnolias, cherries and crabapples. Yes, these plants are very beautiful, common, and bloom throughout the various phases of spring. However, there are many other flowering … Read more.
A Garden to Call Home
Visitors often ask if I have a garden at home. The truth is that I live in a small apartment in the city and have a few favorite annuals in containers outside and a small … Read more.
Poppies Forever
The Shirley poppies (Papaver rhoeas) are one of the most ephemeral and beautiful parts of the gardens. The flowers are here for a day or two and then form seed heads where the soft-as-silk petals … Read more.
Noise on the Natives
This week, June 17-24, is National Pollinator week. It is a time to celebrate pollinators, as well as start the conversation on how to protect them. People often overlook the importance of pollinators and just … Read more.
It’s National Pollinator Week and I wanted to take a minute to talk about how connected the gardens at Blithewold are to all wildlife. We focus on growing beautiful gardens to inspire you, but we … Read more.
Nature’s Exuberance
If ever there was a season to see lushness in the gardens, now is the time! The gardens, trees, and shrubs are bursting with foliage and flowers with all this rain. Of course, the weeds … Read more.
Coming Up Roses
June is the perfect month. The temperatures this year have been steady in the 70s with sunshine and a light breeze. We have had several inches of rain this week, but the gardens only look … Read more.
Beautiful Transition
Walking along the garden path, I am happy to see the earth fully lush once again. The days now seem to go on forever, and while the humidity hasn’t yet kicked in, the sun’s strength … Read more.
June Blooms
June has arrived and brought with it the full swing of garden life. The first thing I notice in June is the elevated pollen levels, but this is due to the sheer abundance of plants … Read more.