Music in the Living Room: Nancy Hood & Faye Maris
Music in the Living Room:
Nancy Hood & Faye Maris
Sunday, December 15
3 – 4 PM
Enhance your visit to Blithewold and enjoy the holiday decorations in the Mansion by attending our Music in the Living Room Series! Blithewold extends a sincere thanks to these generous performers who bring the gift of music into our Living Room during this Holiday Season.
More about the musicians:
Nancy Hood, mezzo-soprano, is a classically trained vocalist with many years of performing solo and small ensemble concerts. Her Christmas at Blithewold programs includes an eclectic mix of carols, American folk, classical and popular songs for the season. With a rich velvet “voice like a good vintage wine”, she draws an enthusiastic audience.
Faye Maris, the pianist, taught students at her private studio in Barrington for many years. While accompanying soloists and choirs at Providence College and Brown University, she studied piano performance, piano pedagogy, and music literature.
Faye performs regularly as an accompanist and as a chamber musician.
Concerts are included with regular admission.
Pre-register to reserve seats for an additional $2 fee per seat.
Once all reserved seating is sold, the concert is sold out.