Fulfalled expectations
Tuesday, October 26, 2010 | | fall, fall, fall color, fog, foliage, rainbow, weather, what's blooming, what's colorful
As the summer went along, getting hotter and drier by the day I started to fret that fall color might be a bust this year. But I shouldn’t have worried. Although it might not be quite the same kind of fiery blaze as last year, it’s a veritable rainbow out there. I could start to worry a little now about driving off the road…
I was also convinced that we’d have a much earlier frost than usual. Wrong again. The temperatures have suddenly soared from merely chilly 40’s and 50’s (F) to sunny and hot with fog in between. Crickets are still singing; honeybees and bumbles are still on every bloomin’ flower and none of us is quite ready to let go yet after all.
Is fall living up to your expectations?