Friday, February 13, 2009 | | Camellia, container plants, Garden Bloggers Bloom Day, greenhouse, greenhouse, Hamamelis x intermedia 'Diane', holidays, houseplant, Loropetalum 'Razzleberri', shrubs, Valentine's Day, what's blooming, witch hazel
Just in time for Freaky Friday and Valentine’s day (I love that these days are back to back this year), my favorite Tim Burton creation, the Witch hazel (Hamamelis x intermedia ‘Diane’) has just begun unscrunching little paper heart shaped flowers. I’m in love! — I guess it doesn’t take much, especially this time of year.
And in honor of Garden Bloggers Bloom Day even though it’s still days away, here are a few other bloomers from the greenhouse. Please accept them as a special Valentine from all of us at Blithewold. As (almost) always, hover over over for captions and click on for a dramatic display.
Happy Valentine’s Day, everyone! (be mine?)
and have a wonderful extra long weekend full of hearts and flowers