By becoming a Blithewold member, you support Blithewold Inc.’s mission to preserve Blithewold for years to come. Membership fees play an integral role in ensuring that Blithewold Inc. has the resources necessary for the upkeep of the Mansion and Gardens and to keep the property open to the public. Of course, membership is not without fantastic benefits! Starting at just $40 a year for an individual membership, all membership levels include:
- Contributing memberships and higher also receive membership in the North American Reciprocal Museum Association, giving you reciprocal member benefits at 1,319 museums in the United States, Bermuda, Canada, Puerto Rico, and Mexico!
- Unlimited admission to the Mansion and Grounds during regular open hours
- A 15% discount at The Shop at Blithewold
- Exclusive early access to register for our most popular programs, and as a member you don’t pay Eventbrite processing fees.
- Discounted tickets (10%) to any play at Trinity Rep (excluding A Christmas Carol)
- Discounted admission or free admission to nearly 300 American Horticultural Society gardens and arboreta
- 10% discount at select local nurseries
- Blithewold’s semi-annual Member’s Magazine and monthly e-Blast