Rain delay
This week we had every intention of planting another big batch of seed annuals in the Display Garden but the weather had other things in mind for us. It insisted that we take the time to really think about where we wanted to place everything: it gave us the chance, in between downpours, to take out more forget-me-nots (which incidentally none of us will ever forget because their seedheads became one with our shirtsleeves and sweater-fronts) to open up even more spaces for summer bloomers.
If it weren’t for rain-sogged ground, we might not have had time to weed and mulch the Rose Garden corners, and the tulips might still be sitting wet and funky on the floor behind my chair instead of drying and tidy on greenhouse benches. And we might not have made time to walk through the new tall-grass meadow or remembered to pay attention to how beautiful the gardens are as they burst into bloom – and to catch them right before. Gail, Tricia and I were especially taken with buds in the cutting garden, poised to open. They’re almost prettier now than when they’re fully open.
And even though we waited so patiently for the ground to dry out a little before planting (wet soil is too easily compacted and damaged), today we just couldn’t take it any more. We had to pick our battle – the choice was to leave plants over a hot weekend in pots they’re growing out of, or compact the soil here and there. We opted for the latter and a few willing volunteers came in for an extra shift and very gingerly tucked another few hundred plants in the Display Garden beds.
Have you been fast-forwarded through a rain delay too? Are you getting things done or noticing anything that you might not have otherwise?