September’s Seasonal Celebration

Sunny September days are my absolute favorite. Gail and I are constantly talking about how much we love this month. The gardens are glorious, the weather is very close to perfect, and we (try) to bask in the calm before the fall fury of garden chores.
In the midst of this beautiful weather, a sea of color flows through the gardens. No matter what your favorite color is – you can find it in the gardens in September. Pale yellows, soft blues, deep purples, and every shade of pink. We carefully select the color palettes for the North and Rose Gardens. The Idea Gardens is where we let loose the full color rainbow in all its glory.
Here is just a sampling of what’s in bloom in the Cutting Garden right now.
Celosia ‘Flamingo Feather’ with Amaranthus ‘Oeschberg’ sweet coneflower (Rudbeckia subtomentosa ‘Henry Eilers’) Dahlia ‘Jaipur’ great burnet (Sanguisorba officinalis)
The Rose Garden is still a-blush in shades of red and pink. The bright magenta tender perennial sage (Salvia ‘Wendy’s Wish’) flanks the moongate entry and is echoed by Rosa ‘Lady Elsie May’ (which has seemingly been in nonstop bloom since early July!).

The pale blue and deep purple in the background of the above picture are two more tender perennial sages that we hate to live without – bog sage (Salvia uliginosa) and friendship sage (Salvia ‘Amistad’).

Sometimes I wonder if September is trying to compete with October for most colorful month. (The fall foliage colors here are truly something to behold.) A little healthy competition is not a bad thing, especially when it comes to beauty in the landscape.
Are you looking to bring more late season color into your garden? Come by and gather some inspiration. When you are here be sure to tell us your favorite September bloom. See you in the gardens!