Hurricane (Superstorm, Frankenstorm) Sandy hit others much worse than it hit us. We were very lucky. It wasn’t even as bad as Irene last year when we lost something like 19 trees. Only one came down with this storm that I saw along with a lot of leaves and twigs. But even that was no worse than the average fall bluster and blow. We even still have power. (Oops. Should have knocked wood. As soon as I wrote that the power went out and I’m forced to finish the post by phone.)
One of the most hyped and scary predictions was for an epic tide and storm surge. We did get that, but again, not nearly as disastrously as some. The water had receded by the time I checked the Rock Garden this morning but it was clear that it had been inundated. Everyone talks about how Hurricane Bob (1991) covered the Rock Garden in seaweed and salt marsh hay. There was none of that this time. The garden was covered instead in the top layer of leaf litter from under the junipers. It was inches thick in some places, and higher up on the “little Mt. Hope” slope than I’ve ever seen water rise. I also don’t ever remember seeing so many drowned worms before, which either means my memory is faulty or the garden was under water for longer than ever (in my time) before, which is quite possible since I heard that low tide was as high as a high tide. As far as the health of the plants is concerned, time will tell. But coming this late in the season, when they are regrouping anyway for a winter’s rest, I imagine most will be right as rain come spring.
How did you and your garden come through the storm? (Safe and sound, I hope.)