Teasing of Spring

Though I was born and raised in Rhode Island, I still find March to be a total heart breaker. February teased with beautiful sunny days. Every where I looked I could see the buds swelling on trees, tulips shoving their pointed heads out into the fresh air, and daffodil foliage gaining height each day. But then snow. A lot of it. The anticipation of this storm was worse for me than its actuality. What can be done once the snow really starts falling? I hunkered down and decided to enjoy the forced snow day. It is what it is. But now I’m hopeful again. There is a possibility of one more storm next week (sigh) but then let’s all hope that’s truly the end of it. (I know, I know, there can always be snow in April. But let’s just not go there.)

Tulips emerging back in February
Despite the snow, the witch-hazels (Hamamelis) are full of flowers on the Shrub Walk. Hamamelis x intermedia ‘Diane’ and Hamamelis x intermedia ‘Arnold’s Promise’ are looking lovely. Here’s a pic of H. ‘Arnold’s Promise’ from February and one from this morning. I think they look even more beautiful now. How’s that for positive?
- Witch-hazel ‘Arnold Promise’
- Witch-hazel ‘Arnold Promise’ with snow
Here is H. ‘Diane’ back in February.
- Witch-hazel ‘Diane’
- Witch-hazel ‘Diane’ up close
The snow does look awfully pretty right now. Here are a couple shots Gail and Joe took around the property this morning.
We are lucky to have heated greenhouses this time of year. The past few months have been spent sowing seeds, transplanting, re-potting and generally getting our act together for the growing season.
- The greenhouse after the snow.
- Viola seedlings with ladybug
Even with the snow, we look forward to the show that should be truly stunning in about a month’s time – Daffodils. I can’t wait to have the sun on my back and the daffodils all around me. Soon enough. Spring is coming.

Daffodils poking through the snow cover.