Tell it like it is
I think gardeners as a rule don’t beat around the bush. We’re more likely to dish the dirt. And what’s the point of sugar coating when our world is already so delicious? I haven’t yet met a gardener who isn’t vociferously opinionated and fickle as a five year old. And it takes one to know one! We have to have a clear idea of what we like in order to find focus in our gardens – nevermind that what we like changes with the season if not daily. And although we tend to be grounded and realistic about what we can accomplish, we definitely shoot for the moon sometimes.
A gentleman came into the greenhouse today and cheerfully told me that he planted 200 daffodils last fall and only 3 came up. I’d guess that like most gardeners I know, he was braced for failure the moment he planted those bulbs and has already moved on to the next thing – which happened to be a meander through our efforts. (Or, like most gardeners, he tells a good story.) And don’t we love to share?
We want to tell the absolute sugar-free truth about our gardens and enjoy nothing better than comparing notes. What do you love today? I can tell you that daffodils aren’t my personal favorite flower. Except that they absolutely are. I especially love this one at my house which I’m almost as proud of as the thousands blooming today in the Bosquet. But I’m also head over heels in love with all of the other things that are blooming today – like the flowers on the Camperdown Elm (Ulmus glabra ‘Camperdownii’).
I’ll show more of my fickle favorites tomorrow for Garden Blogger’s Bloom Day which falls on the 15th of every month. I met another gardener today and when I asked her if this was her first visit to Blithewold she said, “Yes – but it’s not my last!” No beating around the bush – and no doubt she’ll have different faves and raves next time too.
The weather this past weekend wasn’t as awful as predicted and steamy sun on Saturday unfolded more daffodils in the Bosquet. And with sunny days in the forecast for this vacation week, we’re likely to get pretty close to full disclosure. I’ll keep telling it like it is! (But don’t take my word for it – come see for yourself)