Warm welcome
It was an Out Like a Lamb kind of day yesterday and we spent a portion of it in the mansion’s dining room with as many of the garden volunteers as we could coax into a sit-back-and-relax luncheon. I can’t possibly convey how tough it is to get this group to not work! Even though many of them have already started working in the greenhouse and gardens, Gail and Julie and I wanted to kick off the season with a slightly ceremonious (and savory) Welcome Back and a Thank You for their dedication, hard work and good humor.
As Gail told them, they fulfill Blithewold’s mission by inspiring us and we absolutely couldn’t do what we do without them – plus they make our jobs much more fun. And even though the mansion is a little dark and a little chilly on a warm and sunny spring day, I thought the atmosphere in the dining room was totally cozy.
As we head into April, it feels like the gardens are welcoming us all back too. The Trout lilies (Erythronium) are emerging, the Iris reticulata are blooming away, the Red maples are just bursting flowers out of bud, and many of the daffodils are even starting to show a little leg. It won’t be long now. The daffodils typically peak at Blithewold during the 3rd week in April but I wouldn’t be surprised if this year’s show was a titch earlier. Warm days and cool nights keeps them in a one foot forward two back kind of dance. More shall be revealed and you can count on me for updates if not accurate forecasting.
Speaking of updates, tomorrow is our blogiversary! I’d like to thank everyone who clicks into the blog and I’d like to send a special Thank You out to all of you who have ever chimed in on the conversation, whether in the comments box, via email, or in actual person. I feel like I’ve made some amazing friends – that’s a bonus I certainly didn’t foresee when I started. And I’d like to welcome you all back for a third blog year, and another Blithewold growing season. Garden on!