Week Four, Day One: A Summer Rain Storm
We had a rainy day inside today at camp. We started the day by making paper bag jellyfish. Then we went over the camp rules and introduced ourselves. After that, we ate snacks, and the campers had free time. They were doing rainbow loom, reading books, and making puzzles. Then we all read a story together about dreamers. Once the story finished, the campers thought about what kind of dreamer they were and drew a picture. Then, it was time for lunch. The rain stopped during free play, so we went outside to play sharks and minnows. Our afternoon activity was going on our mansion tour. The campers were very enthusiastic to learn all about the facts of the mansion. Then, we ended the day by doing our camp memory books and campfire. Tomorrow, we will be playing our favorite game: Capture the Flag. Check out the pictures from today!